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Museum Facilities
We aim to provide a friendly, welcoming, and accessible environment for all. If you have any questions or concerns surrounding your visit, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Upper Floors
The museum displays are situated across two floors. A stair lift and wheelchair are available for visitor use, along with a visual guide to the upper floor for any visitor who’s unable to access the upper floor.
Bathrooms are available for visitors to the museum, and are located on the ground floor. Wheelchair-accessible toilet and baby changing facilities are both available.
Guide & Assistance Dogs
Guide and Assistance Dogs are welcome at the museum. If you need further assistance or have questions before visiting with your support animal, please feel free to contact us.
Hearing Loops
We have hearing loops/audio induction loops at the front desk, and at various locations throughout the museum displays.
Family Visual Guide
We welcome visitors of all ages, including young children. This downloadable guide can help you make sure that any young visitors know what to expect at the museum.
Car Parking
There is limited free car parking on site for visitors to the museum. Please follow the signs and/or ask the Museum staff for advice on where to park, and obtain a car parking pass from the front desk.
Museum Shop
The shop is located near the museum entrance and sells a selection of souvenirs and gifts, including books, clothing, accessories, confectionery, and more. If you’re not able to visit the museum in person, our online store provides worldwide shipping.
The museum also has a wide selection of second-hand books for sale.

For coffee, a light lunch, or afternoon tea, Joe’s Cafe can be found next door at the The Adjutant General’s Corps Museum, on your right as you enter Peninsula Barracks. Both indoor and outdoor seating are available.
The Cafe is open from 10am to 3pm Tuesday-Friday, and 10am to 4pm on Saturdays.